Post Picnic News
Sorry, I've been on vacation, ... and haven't had a chance to update the website. But, just before I left, we had one helluva picnic. The usual kudos go to Don Miller & Tony Backes for winning the Cornhole contest, but because of the bracket situation, and the timeframe, they did not have to face me and Al Gerth, ... or is it Al Gerth and I. Yes, it would have been one for the ages, and we all sure are aged. But, I have to admit, Tony & Don are pretty dang good, and I'm sure they would have trounced us. So, they won first place. I texted Steve McKenzie about the status of the archery contest, but he and Shimi are camping down on the Oregon Coast, so I may not know until Thanksgiving. To all of you who weren't able to make it to this year's picnic, ... we missed you! But, we did have fun without you.
Jamie & Janet getting registered
Rob Davidson & Jeanine Cook and their hats
I hope you all noticed the improvements we made; coffee on site, and in your own personal little flavors too; snacks, ... not charcuterie per se, ... but then not nothing either; 6 cocktail tables set up at the entrance so you could mingle with friends, or you could commandeer a table for yourself; placing the porta potty a distance from the registration table, ... still friendly, ... but not intimate. We listened to you, and we delivered.
Ok, so, the committee is going to be scheduling another luncheon meeting, ... because we haven't seen each in 2 weeks, and because we want to take in any suggestions for next years event. For instance, do we want to go back to the costume contest? ... or just come as we are? Do we really want charcuterie? Is the 3rd Saturday in August the best time? Do we need to give Betty a raise as head of security? She correctly points out, even though we've had a couple of alerts ( it was Steve Favorite peeing on tree back in the woods, ... he said Klemm was taking too long in the can), we've had no nefarious incidents under her watch. So, if anyone knows what the going wage range is for a senior citizen head of security for a high school picnic, occurring 57 years after graduation, could you send me the comps, and we'll take it up at the committee meeting. We'll be meeting sometime between Sept 14 - Sept 29, ... will be deciding a date soon. Jeanne Fletcher told me we will have to be raising our rate slightly, as even though we got a couple of donations, ... we're not quite bringing in enough for all the fixins. But, then again, Jeanne is VERY frugal, so we still have money in our checking account. But, if I were you, I'd plan on $25 for next year. No need to cash in your crypto, or raid the firewood fund, but just shove a tiny bit extra away, ... just 10 cents a week will cover the increase. You can do it.
Onto some new business, ... not sure yet if we're going to be having an event this fall, but it would not shock me if we had some sort of Octoberfest or Novemberfest. Stay tuned. Also, we asked for a raise of hands for those who would like to attend "Jersey Boys" at Everett's Village Theatre. If you haven't seen it anywhere, it is the true story of Franky Valli & The Four Seasons, and it is fantastic. It looks like we'll have about 20 so far, and it happens in May 2025. I'll be back in touch with the Box Office to find out how many we can have, ... then, I'll be asking for more of a commitment than a show of hands, ... and don't take any money from next years picnic entry. The ticket cost is going to be in the $70 - 90 range each, so, it's a good thing you've got that extra crypto.
I'm going to give a shout out to some other people who always seem to be a huge help. Wayne Lambert, Mary Ferchen's husband did all the scoring for the Cornhole game, and is always available for cleanup and setup. The same is true for Don Thompson, class of '66. Plus Don plays a mean bass and accompanied his wife Sue Akers, as they recreated Patsy Cline a couple of picnics ago. Jack Davidson, class of '66 and he and Cec's son, Rob always help out, as does Ron Freer, class of '66, husband of Wendy Wallace. Shimi McKenzie, spouse of Steve McKenzie is a huge help getting the place ready, as they arrive several days before the picnic. We want to say thank you, we appreciate you, ... and, we like you. If you'd a been a little dumber, they could have held you back, and you'd be in the class of '67. I hope I'm not missing anybody.