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Percentage of Joined Classmates: 49.9%

A:   185   Joined
B:   186   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


•   Mary Ferchen (Lambert)  7/16
•   Randy Mickels  7/15
•   Rick Larson  6/27
•   David Johnson  6/12
•   Kathy Key (Nickell)  6/3
•   Peggy Ervin (Hancock)  4/28
•   Audrey Bristol (Libby)  4/17
•   Susan Akers (Thompson)  4/13
•   Jeanne Fletcher (Ferkingstad)  3/29
•   Mary Hudson (Farrell)  2/29
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•   Dan DeLong  7/26
•   Linda Churchill (Hollingsworth)  7/29
•   Dennis DeLong  7/30
•   Mary Hudson (Farrell)  7/30
•   Kathryn Westberg (Brown-Pierren)  8/2
•   Kathy Key (Nickell)  8/5
•   Carolyn Rommel (Questad)  8/9
•   Margo Joramo (Olson)  8/16
•   Jeanine Rath (McAndie)  8/17
•   Kenneth Jennings  8/19
•   Chris Perry  8/22
•   Sue Pearson (Canda)  8/26


Who lives where - click links below to find out.

4 live in Alaska
10 live in Arizona
1 lives in Arkansas
8 live in California
3 live in Florida
1 lives in Georgia
2 live in Hawaii
6 live in Idaho
1 lives in Kentucky
1 lives in Maryland
1 lives in Massachusetts
1 lives in Michigan
1 lives in Montana
4 live in Nevada
1 lives in New Hampshire
2 live in New Mexico
2 live in North Carolina
2 live in North Dakota
1 lives in Oklahoma
14 live in Oregon
1 lives in Pennsylvania
1 lives in South Carolina
2 live in Virginia
206 live in Washington
1 lives in British Columbia
1 lives in Argentina
1 lives in France
1 lives in Guatemala
1 lives in New Zealand
88 location unknown
79 are deceased



Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!

Fill Out the Survey, Please


Good Golly MIss Molly

We're Having a Picnic

I wanna say "Last Call",

but I'm not gonna yet.  

But Dang!  

It's pretty nearly Last Call

Why keep us waiting?

Less than 1 month to go.

Picnic - Saturday, August 17th

We have such a range of classmates already signed up for the picnic.   What about you?   First of all, we have our Homecoming Queen attending, as she always does, ... Steph will regale us with stories about the parade route high jinks, ... and secrets of her royal attendants, ... it's pretty exciting stuff!  We haven't heard from our Homecoming King yet, ... he lives in Oregon, ... they're a little behind down there.  Do they have internet down there?   Maybe George hasn't heard yet about the picnic.  We'll send out carrier pigeons.  We also have members of Mesika and The Chieftain, ... our high school annual and newspaper.  Since we have a "Come As You Are" theme, it's gratifying to have people of all walks of life, ... Doctors, Teachers, Lawyers, 1 Lawyer, Generals, Teachers, Politicians, Mechanics, Carpenters, Salespeople, Veterans, etc...

We may have the largest contingent of Optimus members yet, ... yep we'll be ooozing brain cells, ... plus many are coming with 2 or 3 fewer brain cells than Optimus members.  We have several who have occupied the rarified air of high places in Student & Class government, ... and we have some who ran for office, but lost.  But they say they're not bitter.  They're just losers ...  ( they didn't say that, ... I said that ).

Fill out the survey, answer yes!

Remember, we warned you about that little voice in your head ( we agreed to call her Sheila ).   Sheila will try to convince you not to go.   You're too old, you don't have fun anymore, you live too far away.   Sheila will tell you not to believe the hype about the picnic, ... they don't have any pool side tables, she'll say because they have no pool, and you can't swim anyway.   Here's a fact ... Sheila has never been to Linda's farm, so she doesn't know.   But, in the spirit of full transparency, we actually don't have a pool, ... but I think I heard Wendy Wallace say she felt like she was poolside ... pretty sure I heard that.  So, follow along here,   Have you ever tried to change Wendy's mind.   Yeah, I thought not.   If Wendy Wallace feels like she's poolside sitting at her table, ... who's going to tell her she's wrong.  So, you tell Sheila, ... YES, they do have poolside tables, ... psychological speaking, ... and I'm filling out the survey, and am going to the picnic, ... and maybe I'll even go in for a dip.   With even more transparency, I'm announcing right here, ... EVERYONE gets a poolside table!!!  Kevin, order us some more poolside tables.


Welcome to the official MHS Class of 1967 website!  The Class of ‘67 website is for everyone in our Class.  You will be able to keep up with friends, send messages to one another, post pictures, etc. on the Message Forum, see the link on the left-side menu bar.

But, you gotta register first, here's how ...


To view Classmate Profiles you must be a registered member of this website and verified by the site administrators. To become registered:

  1. Click Join Here In the Log-in Box on the right-side of this page.

  2. Find and click on Your Name.

  3. Click the giant "Join Here" link, and the registration wizard will launch and walk you through the signup.

  4. Your Classmate Profile & Contact Info

    Profiles tell our stories of what we've been doing since high school. It's easy to input your information, or if you need help let us know. Since this is a private site, you must first "join" the site to read other profiles or write your own. Also, we hope you will review and update your Contact Info.

    Carefully read through the choices when you complete your profile page; you can select an option to keep your information private for registered classmate users.

  5. Help locate "Missing" Classmates

    We need your help to locate "missing" classmates -- those for whom we do not have a current address or email. Please review the list of "Missing Classmates." If you know how to contact any of them, please forward them this website address, or let us know how to contact them.    

  6. Have Fun locating old classmates !!!                                                                                                                                                                   Kevin Murray & Steve Favorite                                                                                                                                                                                             This is a Private Access site.  This site will be used to manage our class’s information and send info on reunions in the future.  Individuals have complete control of their own information that they may choose to include on the site. There are no hidden social networking pitfalls or annoying popups such as you may have encountered or heard of on Facebook, Classmates, etc