Meadowdale High School
Class of 1967
Protecting Privacy
To view Classmate Profiles you must be a registered member of this website and verified by the site administrator, Kevin Murray.
When you join and set up (or edit) your profile you can select an option that allows only registered classmates to view your profile. If you select this option, search engines and the general public will be blocked from accessing your profile page. We know that people have different security concerns for many different reasons, so we’ve put this security decision squarely in the hands of each classmate. Note: Any registered classmate who is logged in will be able to view all classmate profiles (but only the information in each profile that each classmate personally chooses to be visible to other classmates).
Even if you choose to display only a minimal amount of information to other classmates, we urge you to provide us with all your contact information, and to keep it up to date. This will enable us to reach you one way or another regarding future Class of '67 events and other items of interest.
Please also note that your private information is not findable and will never be displayed even if your profile is left open to the public. Specifically, all classmates' email addresses, mailing addresses, and telephone numbers are completely protected and not visible to the public, and not findable/indexable by search engines no matter what.
Finally, please note that anyone can still send an email to classmates by filling out the contact form at the bottom of any classmate profile page. This allows open communication between classmates and non-classmates alike, while protecting classmates' personal information.